perjantai 22. lokakuuta 2010

a mystery key

Somebody forgot this key with a heart-shaped key-chain at our hotel. It reads something in russia on the heart, but no one acclaimed it even though we asked all russian clients by e-mail. No reason to keep.

tiistai 19. lokakuuta 2010

An old Nokia mobile charger

Should not do this - i will probably immediatly loose my iphone and be forced to get some replacing mobile and will miss this charger. But guess what, i like living on the egde. 

lauantai 16. lokakuuta 2010

A coffee brewing thingy from the past

We drink instant coffee. We dream of drinking lattes made of self pressed espresso. Which ever way, we don't need this. I have been planning to take it to my parents summer house, but now it's autumn again and i don't want to have it around for an other 8 months. Bye bye.

sunnuntai 10. lokakuuta 2010

A green bee trap for garden

I bought this as a present for my friends summer house. It is like a little fat bottle (with a cork and a string for hanging) but the bottom is open for bees and flies to fly in. Something sweet like honey should be put inside as a come-on. Why didn't i give it to my friend (and why don't i keep it my self)? Well, when we arrived at their summerhouse, it wasn't one of those laid back mix'n'match places (like 80 % of finnish summer houses) but a strictly periodical early 1920s villa. I immediately realized that this gift was not for them, and handed out the other bottle we had brought them - knowing that champange is always welcome, almost-nice-pieces not.

lauantai 9. lokakuuta 2010

an other broken keychain

It was a key chain, but ain't no more. Sorry to loose it, it was a souvenir my boyfriend brought me from a business trip. Our son would love to play with it, but one of the button eyes dropped of already, and we all know how tasty those are.

maanantai 4. lokakuuta 2010

A retro lamp

I like this quirky lamp shade in bright yellow. It has clip so it can be attached to the bed end or book shelf. The hat is put on the bulb, and the whole thing is kinda cute and very retro. But as it is, i'm over that retro thing both at home and at summer cabin (which would have the old fashioned plugs this lamp requires, though). So the lamp is off to the flea market – or local charity shop if i get too lazy.